Mel B Enters Rehab for Alcohol Abuse and Sex Addiction, Reveals PTSD

Former Spice Girl and current judge of the hit competition show, America’s Got Talent, Mel B has had a harrowing year. From the dissolvement of her toxic and emotionally abusive marriage to ex-husband Stephen Belafonte to the passing of her father in March of 2017, Mel has been struggling with the emotional ramifications behind the scenes while attempting to keep up her public persona. Since revealing her own experiences with physical and emotional abuse at the hands of her ex, Mel B has worked to raise awareness and encourage others in abusive and dangerous situations to find the inner strength to leave.

If you or someone you love is in a physically, mentally, or emotionally abusive relationship, help is out there. Visit or call 1(800) 799-7233 for safe and confidential support and assistance.

However, it seems that Mel B’s own demons have not yet been put to rest. In a recent interview with The Sun, she spoke frankly about her experiences with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, alcoholism, and sex addiction, stating she is entering treatment after reaching a “crisis point” while working on her memoir.

“I’ve been working with a writer on my book, Brutally Honest, and it has been unbelievably traumatic reliving an emotionally abusive relationship and confronting so many massive issues in my life from the death of my dad to my relationship with men.”

Mel B admits to turning to drinking and alcohol abuse to numb the turbulent emotions brought back to the forefront during this writing process.

“Sometimes it is too hard to cope with all the emotions I feel. But the problem has never been about sex or alcohol– it is underneath all that […] I am still struggling. But if I can shine a light on the issue of pain, PTSD and the things men and women do to mask it, I will do. I am speaking about this because this is a huge issue for so many people.”

Mel B’s courage in advocating for both addiction recovery and mental health awareness while facing her own journey of healing is inspirational. We know that her story resonates with millions of people, both on the path of recovery and those still in the throes of addiction. If it resonates with you, take this chance to get the help you need now. Contact Niznik Behavioral Health today to regain control of your life.

Copyright:  buzzfuss / 123RF Stock Photo


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